A federal charge is a very serious matter. While federal charges are not necessarily different than state charges, federal crimes can often carry severe penalties, and they are tried in a different court system. To defend against federal charges, you need a Criminal Defense Lawyer who can be thorough and well prepared. Thomas M. Loeb has defended people throughout Michigan in federal matters, and is very comfortable in federal courts. I can assist you if you are accused of any federal crime, including:
With 38 years of experience throughout Michigan's state and federal courts, I have the experience and knowledge necessary to assist you if you or a loved one are accused of a federal crime. Often, criminal cases can also result in civil litigation. I am dedicated to prosecuting law enforcement agencies for police misconduct. I have a reputation throughout Michigan, in both state and federal court, for being an aggressive, effective criminal defense trial lawyer. I commit myself fully to every case, working closely with each client and keeping their needs and wishes at the very center of my every effort.